“Looking back on the last few years, I would say there were times when I was in a really desperate place.”
Tony received nerve damage whilst undergoing an operation on a spinal cord disc. As a result, he was left with complications post-operatively which affected nerves leading to the bowel, bladder, legs and feet.
Initially this left Tony confined to his bed, however months after the surgery he was able to attend physiotherapy to learn how to walk again.
As time passed, Tony began experiencing bowel dysfunction as a result of the permanent nerve damage. This impacted Tony’s life – he no longer felt confident going out with friends, family or even go to work.
Tony never thought he would be able to get back to doing all the things he loved doing.
After attending The Walton Centre and visiting Professor Young – he was prescribed one of our Qufora IrriSedo rectal irrigation systems.
When he received his system for the first time, he had mixed feelings about it and wasn’t sure how well it was going to work or if it would fit into his lifestyle.
Tony couldn’t believe how much his social life changed once using Qufora IrriSedo – the impact was astonishing, and in such a short amount of time.
Looking back, starting transanal irrigation was one of the most significant improvements of his lifestyle since his injury.
Tony’s anxiousness and fear of using a product like rectal irrigation was no longer there. Until now, he had never realised how much this life event had impacted on his mental health. Being on the other side of this now, he can see just how much it was impacting other areas of his health.
Close family and friends also began to see the positive impact of using the Qufora IrriSedo system. Tony states,
“I think because the Qufora product has taken away the clinical side of the problem… it’s allowed me to move on emotionally.”
With the help and support from his family, staff at The Walton Centre and the myqufora Support Team, Tony was able to get to a place where, five years ago, he never thought he would get to.